A practical counter-example: a synchronous server

The benefits of asynchronous programming aren't immediately apparent to everyone, and its understanding can be equally challenging. Therefore, we've chosen to illustrate asynchronous programming with Miou through a counterexample demonstrating its value: the implementation of a synchronous server. Our goal is to then transform our synchronous server into an asynchronous one capable of handling billions of connections simultaneously.

This tutorial presupposes that the reader is proficient in OCaml. While we aim to provide comprehensive explanations of each step but we won't delve into basic OCaml concepts.

The goal of this tutorial is to implement an "echo" server. This server simply echoes back whatever the user sends to it. While this may seem straightforward, several challenges arise, including the issue of synchronicity.


To facilitate communication between a client and a server, we utilize sockets. These are fundamental components provided by the system for handling communication, and in OCaml, we can manipulate them effectively. Let's delve deeper into their functionality.

A socket acts as an endpoint for communication, enabling two computers to connect and exchange data. It follows a client-server model, where one side initiates communication (the client), and the other side responds (the server). In our example, we'll be focusing on implementing a server. To start, we need to initialize a socket that's ready to accept connections.

val socket : socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr

This function returns a file descriptor1 representing the new socket. Initially, this descriptor is "disconnected," meaning it's not yet set up for reading or writing.

Several arguments are required, including the domain (determining whether the socket communicates locally or over the Internet), the type of communication (such as packet or stream communication), and the protocol used2. For our purposes, establishing a TCP/IP connection suffices. Thus, we create our socket as follows:

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in

Establish a service

After creating the socket, we need to assign a specific address to it so that it can be reached from the network. This is done using the bind system call:

val bind : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit

Our address must consist of an IP and a port since we intend our socket to communicate over the Internet. In OCaml, the sockaddr value represents this address. For our server, we want it to be available on our local network at port 3000:

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Unix.bind socket sockaddr

Next, we specify that the socket can accept connections using the listen system call:

val listen : file_descr -> int -> unit

The listen function requires our file descriptor to begin accepting client connections. It also needs a second argument, specifying the maximum number of pending incoming connections. Our server not only handles incoming connections but also echoes back what clients transmit. It's possible that a client may want to connect simultaneously, so the system keeps these clients on hold until we can manage the new incoming connection.

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Unix.bind socket sockaddr;
  Unix.listen socket 64

With everything initialized, we can now handle incoming connections using the accept syscall:

val accept : file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr

This function will block until a new connection arrives. It returns a new file descriptor representing the client along with its address. To communicate with the client, we use this new file descriptor.

We're going to implement our client handler. Its goal is to read what the client sends us and then echo it back. Transmitting bytes via a socket is done using two functions:

val read : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
val write : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int

These functions are blocking as well. The aim here is to store the bytes received from the client to echo them back. We'll repeat this process as long as we receive bytes from the client. Finally, we'll need to release our file descriptor; we won't need it anymore. We'll use Unix.close to inform the system that it can free all resources associated with this file descriptor.

let rec echo client =
  let buf = Bytes.create 0x100 in
  let len = Unix.read client buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in
  if len = 0 then Unix.close client
  else let _ = Unix.write client buf 0 len in echo client

Now, let's complete the implementation of our service. This involves calling our echo function with the file descriptor of our client as soon as we receive it.

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Unix.bind socket sockaddr;
  Unix.listen socket 64;
  let client, address_of_client = Unix.accept socket in
  echo client;
  Unix.close socket;
  print_endline "Server terminated"

let () = server ()

Compilation & usage

Let's start testing our program! We need to compile it first before we can use it. A tool like netcat/nc is sufficient to act as a client:

$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package unix main.ml
$ ./a.out &
[1] 4347
$ echo "Hello World"|netcat -q0 localhost 3000
Hello World
Server terminated
[1]  + 4347 done       ./a.out

Our server worked well! It handled only one client, but it correctly echoed back what netcat sent to it (as seen in echo "Hello World"). It's also noteworthy that the server terminated correctly. However, at this point, there are still several aspects to describe.

A step back

There are several concepts we need to clarify in this exercise that are crucial when it comes to implementing a system and network application.


While it may be obvious to some, it's important to clarify this concept to fully understand the following steps. If we review our code, we can describe what it does:

  1. It creates a socket.
  2. It defines an address.
  3. It "binds" this socket to our address.
  4. It instructs our system to make our socket available on the network.
  5. It waits for a new connection.
  6. It executes the echo function with our new incoming connection.
  7. It displays "Server terminated".

It's important to note that your system processes the program line by line, in the order we wrote it. At each step, the system waits for the current line to finish its execution before moving on to the next one. This is necessary because each line depends on the work performed in the preceding lines.

This characteristic makes our program synchronous. Even if we introduce the echo function, the program remains synchronous because the caller must wait for the function to complete its task and return a value before continuing.

Blocking function

Previously, we introduced the accept function, which waits for a connection to arrive. It's worth noting that if no connection arrives, your program will wait indefinitely! We say the function blocks, meaning it's waiting for an external event (like the arrival of a client). And we can't do anything else as long as this function is blocked. This type of function makes it impossible for a program to carry out other computations while waiting for the former to finish.

The reason for this is that OCaml programs are single-threaded3. A thread is a sequence of instructions that a program follows. Because the program consists of a single thread, it can only do one thing at a time: so if it is waiting for our long-running synchronous call to return, it can't do anything else.

Handle multiple clients

Our goal now is to handle more than one client. We could simply repeat our accept call every time a client arrives.

let rec echo client =
  let buf = Bytes.create 0x100 in
  let len = Unix.read client buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in
  if len = 0 then Unix.close client
  else let _ = Unix.write client buf 0 len in echo client

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Unix.bind socket sockaddr;
  Unix.listen socket 64;
  while true do
    let client, address_of_client = Unix.accept socket in
    echo client
  Unix.close socket;
  print_endline "Server terminated"

let () = server ()

Let's try our code:

$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package unix main.ml
$ ./a.out &
[1] 8592
$ echo "Hello World"|netcat -q0 localhost 3000
Hello World
$ echo "Hello World"|netcat -q0 localhost 3000
Hello World
$ kill -9 8592
[1]  + 8592 killed     ./a.out

It seems to work! However, let's try a specific scenario: when two clients try to connect "at the same time". First, we'll launch a background client that will simply connect, and then we'll launch another client that will attempt to send some text.

$ ./a.out &
[1] 8711
$ netcat localhost 3000 &
[2] 8728
[2]  + 8728 suspended (tty input)  netcat localhost 3000
$ echo "Hello World"|netcat -q0 localhost 3000
$ kill -9 8728
$ kill -9 8711

Our second client, after our first one is connected, gets stuck. In reality, when our first client connected, it made our server unavailable. This goes back to our explanation of synchronicity: our program can strictly only do one thing at a time. So, our program is currently handling our first client, and it can't handle our second client until the first one is finished. In practice, our echo function must finish so that our server can handle other clients.


We're starting to see the fundamental problem of synchronicity in implementing a system and network application: the ability for our service to respond to all clients "at the same time." In our specific case, what we want is to be able to background our echo function so that our server can wait for a new connection again with accept. However, the concept of backgrounding a task is not so straightforward:

  • We know that we only have one thread available, so we can strictly only do one thing. Which thread could execute our background task?
  • We know that some functions put us in a waiting state (waiting for a new connection or waiting for data sent by the client). Instead of waiting, could we seize this opportunity to do "something else"?
  • Ultimately, we primarily want to respond to events coming from the system.

Several solutions exist for this. They vary even more depending on the language used and what it can offer to address these issues. Regarding OCaml 5, two elements can help us:

  • Effects
  • Domains

For the next chapter, we'll focus on effects and follow our second intuition. Namely, taking the opportunity to do something else as soon as we're waiting for an event such as the arrival of a connection with accept.


It is a unique identifier used by your system to represent an input/output resource. In concrete terms, it's a non-negative integer that serves as a reference to I/O channel within a process.


These parameters may seem daunting for a newcomer. If you're interested in delving deeper into system programming with OCaml and Unix, we recommend checking out this tutorial.


The more curious will say that OCaml is "multicore", and that's true. However, it is if you want to use the Domain/Thread module and allocate a domain/thread that can do a task in parallel or concurrently. But we'll explain all this in detail later.