Conditions & Mutexes

When it came to implementing our small scheduler and interacting with the system, the main challenge was to address the issue of suspending a function so that it could run in the background. However, it's not just syscalls that can suspend/block the execution of a function. There are also Mutexes and Conditions.

The real challenge of a scheduler is to be able to suspend functions without involving the system: in other words, to manage all suspensions. For novices, Mutexes and Conditions allow you to block and unblock the execution of a function (possibly based on a predicate).

The usefulness of such mechanisms lies in synchronizing tasks with each other. Whether they are in concurrency and/or in parallel, it is difficult, if not impossible, to know which task will execute before the others. However, we sometimes (and often) want to share information between these tasks. Miou only allows one type of information transfer between tasks: from children to their direct parents.

In all other cases (for example, between two tasks with no direct parent-child relationship and executing in parallel), we need to consider how to transfer this information correctly (meaning that this transfer would work regardless of the execution order of our tasks from both Miou's perspective — for Miou.call_cc — and the system's perspective — for It is in these cases that Mutexes and Conditions can be useful.


Mutexes allow obtaining exclusive access to manipulate information compared to other tasks. This means that we can manipulate a global resource, available to all tasks, securely using mutexes. To illustrate this example, let's revisit our echo server where we want to display incoming connections as logs:

let pp_sockaddr ppf = function
  | Unix.ADDR_UNIX v -> Format.pp_print_string ppf v
  | Unix.ADDR_INET (inet_addr, port) ->
    Format.fprintf ppf "%s:%d" (Unix.string_of_inet_addr inet_addr) port

let server () =
  let socket = Miou_unix.Ownership.tcpv4 () in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Miou_unix.Ownership.bind_and_listen socket sockaddr;
  let orphans = Miou.orphans () in
  while true do
    clean_up orphans;
    let client, sockaddr = Miou_unix.Ownership.accept socket in
    Format.printf "new client: %a\n%!" pp_sockaddr sockaddr;
    ignore (Miou.call_cc
      ~give:[ Miou_unix.Ownership.resource clientr 
      ~orphans (fun () -> echo client))
  Miou_unix.Ownership.close socket

It may happen (and this is the difficulty of parallel programming) that an exception occurs seemingly out of nowhere if you run this code:

Fatal error: exception Stdlib.Queue.Empty

The real issue is that the Format module uses an internal queue to properly indent your output (especially according to the boxes). In our case, this queue ends up being manipulated by all our domains, and, as mentioned in the Stdlib.Queue documentation, the module is not thread-safe: the documentation explicitly mentions the use of a mutex1.

So, we need to protect our output between domains. To do this, a simple mutex is necessary:

let mutex_out = Miou.Mutex.create ()

let printf fmt =
  let finally () = Miou.Mutex.unlock mutex_out in
  Miou.Mutex.lock mutex_out;
  Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () ->
  Format.printf fmt

This way, we ensure that only one task executes our Format.printf and that the others must wait for the first one to finish. We say it has exclusive access to the resource.


A major issue with our echo server is its termination. Currently, we are unable to terminate our server properly due to the infinite loop. However, we could handle a system signal that instructs all our domains to terminate gracefully. Since our main loop only accepts connections, we could implement a function accept_or_die that, upon receiving a signal such as SIGINT, initiates the process to terminate our domains.

Once again, a global resource comes into play — the signal sent by the system. We need to return a `Die value instead of waiting for a new connection. The purpose of a condition is to wait until a predicate (obtained using a global resource) becomes true. In the case of our echo server, if we receive a SIGINT signal, we return `Die; otherwise, we continue waiting for a new connection.

let condition = Miou.Condition.create ()
let mutex_sigint = Miou.Mutex.create ()

let accept_or_die fd =
  let accept () = `Accept (Miou_unix.Ownership.accept fd) in
  let or_die () =
    Miou.Mutex.protect mutex_sigint @@ fun () ->
    Miou.Condition.wait condition mutex_sigint;
    `Die in
  Miou.await_first [ Miou.call_cc accept; Miou.call_cc or_die ]
  |> function Ok value -> value | Error exn -> raise exn

let server () =
  let socket = Miou_unix.Ownership.tcpv4 () in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Miou_unix.Ownership.bind_and_listen socket sockaddr;
  let rec go orphans =
    clean_up orphans;
    match accept_or_die socket with
    | `Die -> ()
    | `Accept (fd', sockaddr) ->
      printf "new client: %a\n%!" pp_sockaddr sockaddr;
      ignore (Miou.call_cc
        ~give:[ Miou_unix.Ownership.resource client ]
        ~orphans (fun () -> echo client));
      go orphans in
  go (Miou.orphans ())

We then need to "catch" the SIGINT signal. Signals are special in that they can execute a task outside of Miou. However, if these tasks have side effects, they won't be managed. Thus, Miou offers a way to attach functions to signals using Miou.set_signal:

let stop _signal =
  Miou.Mutex.protect mutex_sigint @@ fun () ->
  Miou.Condition.broadcast condition

let () = @@ fun () ->
  Miou.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle stop);
  let domains = Stdlib.Domain.recommended_domain_count () - 1 in
  let domains = List.init domains (Fun.const ()) in
  let prm = Miou.call_cc server in
  Miou.await prm :: Miou.parallel server domains
  |> List.iter @@ function
  | Ok () -> ()
  | Error exn -> raise exn

This simply signals all places where our condition is waiting. Consequently, all our domains are signaled to return `Die instead of continuing to wait for a new connection.

Ownership, sub-tasks and finalisers

If we try this code, it may not work, and Miou might complain with the Not_owner exception. This is because our accept task does not own the file-descritptor; we need to pass it the resource via the give parameter.

It's worth noting that this ownership is exclusive. Once we've performed Miou_unix.Ownership.accept, we need to:

  1. transfer the file-descritptor back to the parent (so it can transfer it to the next accept).
  2. transfer the new file-descriptor to the parent that was created in our accept task so that it can transfer it to our echo task.

The importance of finalizers in this situation should also be noted. Indeed, await_first will wait for one of the two tasks. If our condition unblocks and returns `Die, await_first will then cancel our accept task: we then finish it in an abnormal situation where our finalizers will be called on our file-descriptors. In other words, except for the active clients, all our resources have been properly released by Miou, and we no longer need to take care of them during the termination of our program.

Finally, even after these minor fixes, Miou may still return Still_has_children. Indeed, receiving a signal does not mean that we have finished all our children (we just cleaned up a few). However, we do know that:

  • we will not have any new children.
  • our echo task should terminate smoothly despite our signal.

So we need to await all our remaining children:

let rec terminate orphans =
  match orphans with
  | None -> ()
  | Some None -> Miou.yield (); terminate orphans
  | Some (Some prm) ->
    match Miou.await prm with
    | Ok () -> ()
    | Error exn -> raise exn

The final version of echo

If we take all our previous comments into account, here is the final version of our echo server:

let condition = Miou.Condition.create ()
let mutex_sigint = Miou.Mutex.create ()
let mutex_out = Miou.Mutex.create ()

let printf fmt =
  let finally () = Miou.Mutex.unlock mutex_out in
  Miou.Mutex.lock mutex_out;
  Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () ->
  Format.printf fmt

let rec echo client =
  let buf = Bytes.create 0x100 in
  let len = client buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in
  if len = 0 then Miou_unix.Ownership.close client
    let str = Bytes.sub_string buf 0 len in
    let _ = Miou_unix.Ownership.write client str 0 len in echo client

let accept_or_die fd =
  let accept () =
    let fd', sockaddr = Miou_unix.Ownership.accept fd in
    Miou.Ownership.transfer (Miou_unix.Ownership.resource fd');
    Miou.Ownership.transfer (Miou_unix.Ownership.resource fd);
    `Accept (fd', sockaddr) in
  let or_die () =
    Miou.Mutex.protect mutex_sigint @@ fun () ->
    Miou.Condition.wait condition mutex_sigint;
    `Die in
  let give = [ Miou_unix.Ownership.resource fd ] in
  Miou.await_first [ Miou.call_cc ~give accept; Miou.call_cc or_die ]
  |> function Ok value -> value | Error exn -> raise exn

let pp_sockaddr ppf = function
  | Unix.ADDR_UNIX v -> Format.pp_print_string ppf v
  | Unix.ADDR_INET (inet_addr, port) ->
    Format.fprintf ppf "%s:%d" (Unix.string_of_inet_addr inet_addr) port

let clean_up orphans = match orphans with
  | None | Some None -> ()
  | Some (Some prm) -> match Miou.await prm with
    | Ok () -> ()
    | Error exn -> raise exn

let rec terminate orphans =
  match orphans with
  | None -> ()
  | Some None -> Miou.yield (); terminate orphans
  | Some (Some prm) ->
    match Miou.await prm with
    | Ok () -> ()
    | Error exn -> raise exn

let server () =
  let socket = Miou_unix.Ownership.tcpv4 () in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Miou_unix.Ownership.bind_and_listen socket sockaddr;
  let rec go orphans =
    clean_up orphans;
    match accept_or_die socket with
    | `Die -> terminate orphans
    | `Accept (client, sockaddr) ->
      printf "new client: %a\n%!" pp_sockaddr sockaddr;
      ignore (Miou.call_cc
        ~give:[ Miou_unix.Ownership.resource client ]
        ~orphans (fun () -> echo client));
      go orphans in
  go (Miou.orphans ())

let stop _signal =
  Miou.Mutex.protect mutex_sigint @@ fun () ->
  Miou.Condition.broadcast condition

let () = @@ fun () ->
  Miou.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle stop);
  let domains = Stdlib.Domain.recommended_domain_count () - 1 in
  let domains = List.init domains (Fun.const ()) in
  let prm = Miou.call_cc server in
  Miou.await prm :: Miou.parallel server domains
  |> List.iter @@ function
  | Ok () -> ()
  | Error exn -> raise exn

You can compile it directly with ocamlfind, run it and, above all, test its load with parallel:

$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package miou,miou.unix
$ ./a.out &
$ cat ><<EOF

send() {
  echo "Hello World" | netcat -q0 localhost 3000

export -f send

while true; do
  parallel send ::: $(seq 100)
$ chmod +x
$ ./

Our final command launches a myriad of clients, with 100 of them executing simultaneously. We can observe that all our domains are at work, and there are no conflicts on the console thanks to our mutex. Finally, to appreciate all our work, a SIGINT (with Ctrl+C) will terminate our server correctly and release all our file descriptors!

This little project broadly demonstrates what is possible with Miou and the insights that emerged during its development, particularly regarding system resources and I/O. We hope this tutorial has sparked your interest in using Miou in your applications. For the more adventurous, you can read our manifesto, which explains, in a more social than technical manner, the benefits of Miou.


It is worth noting that Miou offers a thread-safe queue: Miou.Queue. We use it internally for various purposes, particularly in inter-domain synchronization. However, it is essential to recognize that Miou.Queue may reveal other issues such as inter-domain contention.