
At this stage, you're familiar with all the concepts of a scheduler, asynchronous programming, and interactions with the system. Of course, as you might suspect, we've omitted a whole bunch of details, and Miou offers much more than our simple scheduler. However, at this point, we can describe in detail what Miou brings to the table (including its subtleties). That's what we'll explore in this chapter.

A task as a resource

Let's revisit our example with the echo server, where we aimed to handle client management in the background:

    ignore (spawn @@ fun () -> echo client)

You can achieve the same thing with Miou.call_cc. This function essentially does will more what our spawn does: it creates a new task that will run on the same thread using our scheduler. This type of task which coexists with others on the same thread is called a fiber. And, just like spawn, Miou.call_cc also returns a promise for this task. In Miou, you're creating a child of your task, a subtask.

The key difference with Miou, though, is that you can't forget your children!

let () = @@ fun () ->
  ignore (Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> print_endline "Hello World!")
Exception: Miou.Still_has_children.

In Miou, we treat a task as a resource. You allocate it (using Miou.call_cc), but you also have to release it with Miou.await. A fundamental rule governs Miou programs: all tasks must either be awaited or canceled. Forgetting a task will result in a fatal error.

Background tasks

This brings up another question: what should we do with our subtasks that manage clients? If this rule exists, it's because these children can misbehave. And you need to be notified of these abnormal situations. What matters isn't the existence of these tasks (since your goal is to put them in the background) but their results to ensure everything went well.

In this regard, Miou offers a way to save your tasks somewhere and retrieve them once they're completed. This is mainly done using the orphans value:

let rec clean_up orphans = match orphans with
  | None | Some None -> ()
  | Some (Some prm) ->
    match Miou.await prm with
    | Ok () -> clean_up orphans
    | Error exn -> raise exn

let server () =
  let orphans = Miou.orphans () in
  while true do
    clean_up orphans;
    let client, address_of_client = Miou_unix.accept socket in
    ignore (Miou.call_cc ~orphans @@ fun () -> echo client)

The advantage of this approach is that it treats a task as a resource that must be released at some point in your program's execution. Our experience in implementing protocols at Robur has convinced us of the importance of not forgetting about our children. Developing system and network applications involves creating programs with long execution time (6 months, 1 year, etc.). Tasks consume memory and possibly processor resources. Forgetting tasks can lead to memory leaks, which can hinder your program's long-term viability (the system might terminate your program due to an out-of-memory error).

Structured concurrency

Managing tasks and their promises can be a real challenge when implementing a large application. Indeed, conceptualizing tasks running in the background leaves room for practices (like forgetting these tasks) that can lead to significant maintenance overhead in the long run. At Robur, through certain projects we maintain, we've encountered situations where the time to fix bugs becomes disproportionately large given our resources because we need to re-establish the mental model of task management, which isn't all that obvious.

Thus, when developing Miou, it was essential from the outset to establish rules to prevent repeating past mistakes. We've already introduced one rule: never forget your children.

There's a second rule: only the direct parent can wait for or cancel its children. For instance, the following code is incorrect:

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let a = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> Miou.yield () in
  let b = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> Miou.await_exn a in
  Miou.await_exn a;
  Miou.await_exn b
Exception: Miou.Not_a_child.

The purpose of such a constraint is to maintain a simple mental model of the active tasks in your application: their affiliations form a tree with the root being your main task (the one launched with Therefore, if your main task terminates, it invariably means that all sub-tasks have also terminated.


One aspect deliberately left out in the implementation of our small scheduler is cancellation. It can be useful to cancel a task that, for example, is taking too long. Miou provides this mechanism for all tasks using their promises.

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let prm = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> print_endline "Hello World" in
  Miou.cancel prm

The rules of parentage explained earlier also apply to cancellation. You can only cancel your direct children:

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let a = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> Miou.yield () in
  let b = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> Miou.cancel a in
  Miou.await_exn a;
  Miou.await_exn b
Exception: Miou.Not_a_child.

Cancellation overrides any promise state. You can cancel a task that has already completed. In this case, we lose the result of the task, and it's considered canceled:

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let prm = @@ fun () -> 1 + 1 in
  let _ = Miou.await prm in
  Miou.cancel prm;
  match Miou.await prm with
  | Ok _ -> assert false
  | Error Miou.Cancelled -> assert true
  | Error exn -> raise exn

Of course, to be consistent with our other rules, canceling a task implies canceling all its sub-tasks:

let rec infinite () = infinite (Miou.yield ())

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let p = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () ->
    let q = infinite in
    Miou.await_exn q in
  Miou.cancel p

Lastly, let's delve into the behavior of Miou.cancel. It's said that this function is asynchronous in the sense that cancellation (especially that of a task running in parallel) may take some time. Thus, Miou seizes the opportunity to execute other tasks during this cancellation. For example, note that p0 runs despite the cancellation of p1:

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let p1 = @@ fun () -> Miou.yield () in
  let v = ref false in
  let p0 = Miou.call_cc @@ fun () -> print_endline "Do p0" in
  print_endline "Cancel p1";
  Miou.cancel p1;
  print_endline "p1 cancelled";
  Miou.await_exn p0
$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package miou
$ ./a.out
Cancel p1
Do p0
p1 is cancelled

The advantage of this asynchronicity is to always be able to handle system events even if we attempt to cancel a task.

Multiple domain runtime

In the introduction, it was mentioned that it's possible to use multiple domains with Miou. Indeed, since OCaml 5, it has been possible to launch functions in parallel. This parallelism has become possible only recently because these functions have their own minor heap. Thus, synchronization between domains regarding allocation and garbage collection is less systematic.

To launch a task in parallel with Miou, it's sufficient to use:

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let prm = @@ fun () ->
    print_endline "My parallel task." in
  Miou.await_exn prm

Miou takes care of allocating multiple domains according to your system's specifics. These domains will be waiting for tasks, and notifies them of a new task to perform. Just like Miou.call_cc, also returns a promise, and the same rules apply: you must not forget about your children.

A task in parallel explicitly means that it will run in a different domain than the one it was created in. That is, this code, which returns the domain in which the task is executing, is always true:

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let p = @@ fun () ->
    let u = Stdlib.Domain.self () in
    let q = @@ fun () -> Stdlib.Domain.self () in
    (u, Miou.await_exn q)
  let u, v = Miou.await_exn p in
  assert (u <> v)

However, the choice of the domain responsible for the task is made randomly. Thus, this code is also true (meaning that two tasks launched in succession can then use the same domain):

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let assertion = ref false in
  while !assertion = false do
    let p = @@ fun () -> Stdlib.Domain.self () in
    let q = @@ fun () -> Stdlib.Domain.self () in
    let u = Miou.await_exn p in
    let v = Miou.await_exn q in
    assertion := u = v

It may happen then that we want to distribute a specific task to all our available domains. We cannot do this with, which may, several times, assign the same domain for a task. However, Miou offers a way to distribute the workload evenly across all your domains:

let task () : int = (Stdlib.Domain.self () :> int)

let () = ~domains:3 @@ fun () ->
  let domains =
    Miou.parallel task (List.init 3 (Fun.const ()))
    |> Result.get_ok in
  assert (domains = [1; 2; 3])

Finally, one last rule exists regarding parallel tasks. There may be a situation called starvation. Indeed, like your number of cores, the number of domains is limited. It may happen that domains wait for each other, but it's certain that the main domain (the very first one that executes your code, known as dom0) will never be assigned a task via

This rule prevents a domain from waiting for another domain, which waits for another domain, which waits for dom0, which waits for your first domain - the starvation problem. Thus, it may happen that dom0 is no longer involved in the execution of your program and is only waiting for the other domains. However, we can involve it using Miou.call_cc:

let task () : int = (Stdlib.Domain.self () :> int)

let () = ~domains:3 @@ fun () ->
  let prm = Miou.call_cc my_super_task in
  let domains =
    Miou.await prm
    :: Miou.parallel task (List.init 3 (Fun.const ())) in
  let domains = Result.get_ok domains in
  assert (domains = [0; 1; 2; 3])

However, we would like to warn the user. Parallelizing a task doesn't necessarily mean that your program will be faster. Once again, Miou focuses essentially on managing system events. Domains are equally subject to observing these events, which means that all computations are interleaved with this observation (and can therefore have an impact on performance).

Having more domains is not a solution for performance either. If Miou takes care of allocating (as well as releasing) domains, it's because they require a lot of resources (such as a minor-heap). Thus, the domains are available, but it's Miou that manages them.

Finally, Miou mainly aims to facilitate the use of these domains, especially regarding inter-domain synchronization. Indeed, tasks as well as their promises concerning do not exist in the same domains. An internal mechanism helps the user not to worry about the synchronicity between the task's state and its promise, even though they exist in two spaces that run in parallel.

For the next steps

This retrospective allows us to introduce the basic elements of Miou. We now need to see how to use Miou and also introduce you to some new concepts. The next chapter will consist of re-implementing our echo server with Miou. There should be only a few differences, but we will seize the opportunity to improve our server, especially with the use of parallel tasks and the notion of ownership.