Interacting with the system

In the implementation of our echo server, beyond the question of synchronicity, there were also considerations about interactions with the system and the resources it provides, such as sockets.

We noticed that to manage these resources, we had functions described as "blocking", meaning they waited for specific events (such as a new client connection) before proceeding. Apart from wanting to delegate tasks in the background, we also aimed to leverage these situations to perform other tasks.

We have this opportunity with Await, which observes the state of our promise and then decides to continue if it contains the result of our task or to "yield" (i.e., execute other tasks) if the associated task is not yet complete.

We could reproduce the same approach for these blocking functions: continue if they have an event to notify us about, or "yield" if we know they will block. The crucial question then is to predict in advance whether they will block. Fortunately, the system can provide us with this information.


In our first chapter, we introduced the concept of file descriptors. These are system resources used to manage I/O operations such as handling client connections, transmitting bytes, and more. It's essential to monitor the state of these resources and determine beforehand whether functions like accept() (for managing a new client) will block or not.

Typically, we can consider that all our functions interacting with the system block by default. However, we can periodically check our active file descriptors to determine if we can safely resume functions that will perform these blocking system calls.

Monitoring the state of our active file descriptors and determining if an event (which would unblock our functions) occurs is done using the select() function:

val select :
    file_descr list -> file_descr list -> file_descr list ->
      float -> file_descr list * file_descr list * file_descr list

This function takes several arguments, but only 3 are of interest to us. The first and second arguments pertain to monitoring file descriptors that are awaiting "read" and "write" operations, respectively. Typically, when we want to wait for a client connection, we are waiting for a "read" operation on our file descriptor. If we intend to transmit bytes to the client, we are waiting to be able to "write" to our file descriptor. The last argument that concerns us is the timeout for this observation. A reasonably short time is sufficient; let's say 10ms.

For example, let's consider our accept() function. We want to determine whether we should execute accept() without blocking:

let rec our_accept file_descr =
  print_endline "Monitor our file-descriptor.";
  match [ file_descr ] [] [] 0.01 with
  | [], _, _ -> our_accept file_descr
  | file_descr :: _, _, _ -> Unix.accept file_descr

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Unix.bind socket sockaddr;
  Unix.listen socket 64;
  let client, sockaddr = our_accept socket in
  Unix.close client;
  Unix.close socket

Let's test this code and see what happens.

$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package unix
$ ./a.out &; sleep 1; netcat -q0 localhost 3000
Monitor our file-descriptor.
Monitor our file-descriptor.
Monitor our file-descriptor.
[1]  + 6210 done       ./a.out

Testing this code reveals the repeated "Monitoring our file-descriptor." messages until the program ends (after receiving a connection using netcat after 1 second). What's interesting here is that instead of blocking on accept(), we execute it only if select() informs us that our file descriptor is indeed ready (meaning it has received an incoming connection). If not, we retry the observation by calling select() again.

In more concrete terms, we are no longer in a situation where we indefinitely wait for an event to unblock us, but rather we wait for just 10ms to retry an observation or execute our accept() if ready. We've found a way to determine in advance whether our function will block or not.

Integration into our scheduler

Now, the advantage of select() is that it can observe multiple file descriptors (not just one as in our example). Our goal is to provide an our_accept function that doesn't block. In case our file descriptor isn't ready (which is the default case, as a reminder, all our system functions block), we'll reuse our Await to suspend the execution before actually performing our accept(). This suspension will give us the opportunity to execute other tasks.

let waiting_fds_for_reading = Hashtbl.create 0x100

let our_accept file_descr =
  let value = ref None in
  Hashtbl.add waiting_fds_for_reading file_descr value;
  Effect.perform (Await value);
  Hashtbl.remove waiting_fds_for_reading file_descr;
  Unix.accept file_descr

Finally, periodically, we'll observe all the file descriptors that are waiting. select() will inform us about those that can be unblocked. We just need to fulfill our promise so that our scheduler can resume our suspended function.

let fullfill tbl fd =
  let value = Hashtbl.find tbl fd in
  value := Some ()

let our_select () =
  let rds = List.of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq_keys waiting_fds_for_reading) in
  let rds, _, _ = rds [] [] 0.01 in
  List.iter (fullfill waiting_fds_for_reading) rds

Ultimately, we just need to call our_select() periodically. We previously mentioned that our scheduler tries to resolve our tasks step by step. We'll interleave these steps with this observation. This way, we'll be almost immediately aware of the occurrence of events (within 10ms and a snippet of a task execution).

let run fn =
  let result = ref None in
  let rec go = function
    | [] -> Option.get !result
    | Task task :: rest ->
        let todo = ref rest in
        let todo =
          match step todo task with
          | Resolved _ -> !todo
          | (Initial _ | Suspended _) as task -> !todo @ [ Task task ]
        our_select (); go todo
  let task = Initial (fun () -> result := Some (fn ())) in
  go [ Task task ]

Let's try!

Let's revisit our example with accept():

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Unix.bind socket sockaddr;
  Unix.listen socket 64;
  let client, sockaddr = our_accept socket in
  Unix.close client;
  Unix.close socket

let () = run server

If we execute our server with our scheduler:

$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package unix
$ ./a.out &; netcat -q0 localhost 3000
[1] 38255
[1]  + 38255 done       ./a.out

We notice that our program does not indefinitely block. It only blocks periodically for 10ms1 and observes the active file descriptors (in our waiting_fds_for_reading table). Finally, as soon as netcat connects, we can resume our our_accept function and continue executing our program. With the ability to put tasks in the background, we can now attempt to reimplement our server asynchronously. However, we need to provide, just like our_accept, our_read and our_write. The first one will reuse our waiting_fds_for_reading table, while the second one will use a new table to determine if our file descriptors are ready to transmit bytes.

let our_read file_descr buf off len =
  let value = ref None in
  Hashtbl.add waiting_fds_for_reading file_descr value;
  Effect.perform (Await value);
  Hashtbl.remove waiting_fds_for_reading file_descr; file_descr buf off len

let waiting_fds_for_writing = Hashtbl.create 0x100

let our_write file_descr buf off len =
  let value = ref None in
  Hashtbl.add waiting_fds_for_writing file_descr value;
  Effect.perform (Await value);
  Hashtbl.remove waiting_fds_for_writing file_descr;
  Unix.write file_descr buf off len

let our_select () =
  let rds = List.of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq_keys waiting_fds_for_reading) in
  let wrs = List.of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq_keys waiting_fds_for_writing) in
  let rds, wrs, _ = rds wrs [] 0.01 in
  List.iter (fullfill waiting_fds_for_reading) rds;
  List.iter (fullfill waiting_fds_for_writing) wrs

Now, we can both await new connections and manage in background our clients:

let rec echo client =
  let buf = Bytes.create 0x100 in
  let len = our_read client buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in
  if len = 0 then Unix.close client
  else let _ = our_write client buf 0 len in echo client

let server () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 3000) in
  Unix.bind socket sockaddr;
  Unix.listen socket 64;
  while true do
    let client, address_of_client = our_accept socket in
    ignore (spawn @@ fun () -> echo client)
  Unix.close socket;
  print_endline "Server terminated"

let () = run server

To test this code, simply launch your server and run 2 netcat instances simultaneously (in 2 different terminals). You'll notice that our server no longer blocks and can handle these 2 clients "simultaneously". We have finally succeeded in creating an asynchronous server with effects in OCaml.

$ ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package unix
$ ./a.out &; \
  echo "Salut"|netcat -q0 localhost 3000; \
  echo "Hello"|netcat -q0 localhost 3000
[1] 40381
$ kill -9 40381
[1]  + 40381 killed     ./a.out

At this point, all the basic concepts of a scheduler and asynchronous programming have been explained. It's time to take a look back at what we've learned and, most importantly, start comparing it with Miou in the next chapter.


The purpose of the 10ms interval is to prevent our program from falling into what is known as a "busy-loop". Indeed, these 10ms intervals notify our system that our program will do nothing during this time period unless an event occurs. Our system is then able to put our program to the sleep mode and also take the opportunity to do something else. What is certain is that this sleep mode allows our program not to monopolize the processor. In the case of a "busy-loop," our program would be the only one able to run, and you would likely hear your processor fan whirring loudly.