One advantage of MirageVPN is its ability to produce a unikernel, i.e. a fully-fledged operating system for a virtualizer such as [Xen]. In this respect, QubesOS users can secure their VMs' Internet connections via a MirageVPN client.

Unlike a standard OpenVPN client, the VM used is smaller and its attack surface just as reduced, as the operating system only does VPN: an OpenVPN client would require a kernel (like Linux), a kernel configuration to redirect VM connections to the VPN tunnel, and several libraries installed in order to function.

In this chapter, we'll look at how to configure and install a MirageVPN client for QubesOS. We'll assume that the OpenVPN server is configured as described in this handbook.

Download and configuration

You can download the unikernel from its official repository: GitHub or from our reproducible build platform

Next, copy the unikernel to dom0 with this command (from a dom0 terminal). In this example, we've uploaded the unikernel to the app-vm personal:

$ mkdir -p /var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels/qubes-miragevpn/
$ cd /var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels/qubes-miragevpn/
$ qvm-run -p personal 'cat qubes-miragevpn.xen' > vmlinuz

Still from dom0, we now need to create a new VM from the downloaded image. An empty initramfs file must also be created (for QubesOS < 4.2):

$ gzip -n9 < /dev/null > initramfs
$ qvm-create \
  --property kernel=qubes-miragevpn \
  --property kernelopts='' \
  --property memory=256 \
  --property maxmem=256 \
  --property netvm=sys-net \
  --property provides_network=True \
  --property vcpus=1 \
  --property virt_mode=pvh \
  --label=green \
  --class StandaloneVM \
$ qvm-features qubes-miragevpn no-default-kernelopts 1

The configuration of the MirageVPN client for QubesOS is constrained in the same way as our MirageVPN client for KVM: the configuration must fit into a single file. This file must be compressed with the tar command and made available to the unikernel via qvm.

$ tar cvf config.tar alice.config
$ qvm-volume import qubes-miragevpn:root config.tar
$ qvm-prefs --set qubes-miragevpn -- kernelopts '--config_key=alice.config'

Finally, we need to configure a VM (like personal) to use our VPN client for all connections.

$ qvm-prefs --set <my-app-vm> netvm qubes-miragevpn